Clarity – a breakthrough procedure for people tired of reading glasses
Dr. Herman Sloane has decades of experience helping all types of people with eye disorders. Recently, Dr. Sloane has perfected a breakthrough procedure allowing advanced age patients with help seeing both near and at a distance. Other eye conditions, such as chronic eye dryness, go away when the surgery is performed – a customer of Trust pharmacy who had been ordering eye drops on repeat prior to surgery reports complete absence of such necessity as of the day the surgery was performed.
This procedure called “Clarity” is perhaps one of the most exciting things to happen in Vision Correction in several years. Let’s take a look at what the “Clarity” procedure can do for certain patients.
Generally, when we get to our Mid-40’s we begin to lose our ability to read comfortably. Many near-sighted individuals can still read without their glasses or contacts, but once they correct their vision for distance, they struggle. For many years, the only available corrective measures were reading glasses or so-called “monovision” correction. And while there is nothing wrong with reading glasses or monovision, they do have their drawbacks. Many of the countries leading Board Certified Ophthalmologic professionals have been performing various vision correction for decades just like Dr. Herman Sloane. Sloane Vision Center is proud to be the first Vision correction center in Chicago and Illinois to perform the “Clarity” procedure. If you’ve have been looking for this type of procedure that would allow both distance and near vision improvement, now’s the time to call or email the Sloane Vision Center to set up a consultation for this new and exciting advanced Ophthalmologic procedure. There’s no better time than now to find out that “Clarity” may be right for you.
The Allegretto Wave™ stands as one of the most innovative and revolutionary laser platforms available today. It utilizes a technology the WaveLightŪ company helped establish called WavefrontT. The development of this technology allowed a virtual map of the cornea to be created and used to guide the laser in performing customized vision correction. WavefrontT mapping improved upon the quality of vision that could be achieved because it enabled surgeons to identify and treat unique corneal irregularities that would have been impossible to detect with previous methods. This accomplishment spurred ophthalmologists to begin contemplating taking vision beyond the conventional bounds of 20/20.
In addition to being a highly sought after LASIK surgeon, Dr. Herman Sloane also offers Z-Lasik, Crystalens to correct presbyopia and Custom LASIK.
learn if Clarity may be right for you at free consultation.