Allegretto Wave™
By Wave Light, Excimer Laser Technology
As one of the leading surgeons offering LASIK in Chicago, Dr. Herman Sloane is committed to using the latest technology. He is proud to offer his patients refractive surgery vision correction with the Allegretto Wave excimer laser platform.
The excimer laser is the device that physically corrects your prescription during surgery. Because laser vision correction is based on the microscopic removal of corneal tissue at the molecular level, it is impossible to achieve this type of accuracy manually. No other device has provided patients the opportunity to reduce or eliminate their dependency on glasses and contacts. Although many people perceive all laser technology to be the same, there are vast differences from one laser to another. One question that should be raised prior to your surgery: Is this technology the latest in laser vision correction?
The Allegretto Wave® stands as one of the most innovative and revolutionary laser platforms available today. It utilizes a technology the WaveLight® company helped establish called Wavefront Technology mapping. The development of this technology allowed a virtual map of the cornea to be created and used to guide the laser in performing customized vision correction. Wavefront Technology mapping improved upon the quality of vision that could be achieved because it enabled surgeons to identify and treat unique corneal irregularities that would have been impossible to detect with previous methods. This accomplishment spurred ophthalmologists to begin contemplating taking vision beyond the conventional bounds of 20/20.
Dr. Sloane’s experience in helping Chicago Custom LASIK, Z-Lasik and Crystalens patients with their vision correction needs has led to many of his new patients being referrals from past satisfied customers.